Affordable homes in the heart of London
Glenkerry Co-operative Housing Association is a self-run, independent co-operative housing association in East London. Members of the association own their flat and share in the running of the organisation. Find out who we are and how you could become part of our community.
What is co-operative living?
Living co-operatively has been our ethos from the day the Association was founded in 1979. Owning a property at Glenkerry House means owning a small stake in your neighbours’ wellbeing. Click here to find out more.
Can I apply to live at Glenkerry too?
We are currently accepting new applications for those in need of housing who are willing to embrace a co-operative ethos in their community. You can find out more about our application process and our expectations here.
How did it all begin?
Glenkerry Co-operative Housing Association has been continually operative for more than 40 years! Some of Glenkerry’s founding members are still residents today. Click here to learn more about how the block began.